Final Canvas
Unity3D Asset - Paid
Brushes, Gradients, Shapes, Geometries, Blending, Paths
FinalCanvas is an easy-to-use API for immediate mode 2D graphics rendering with GPU acceleration.
1 / Features
Draw primitive shapes (lines, rectangles, circles, etc.) or arbitrarily complex geometry
Fill shapes or outlines using
Solid colors
Image brushes
Linear and radial gradients
Draw lines of any width with flexible stroke styles
Dotted, dashed, custom styles, etc
Join Styles: Miter, Round, Bevel
Cap Styles: Round, Square, Triangle
Caps can be placed on dashes as well
Rich geometry manipulation
Compute point on a path
Clip drawing to arbitrary geometric regions (via blending)
44 Blend modes including all PorterDuff modes
2 / Simplicity
Immediate mode
GPU Accelerated
3 / Reliability
Long-term support